Potential Inputs: Missions, business functions, and mission/business processes the information system will support; business impact analyses; internal stakeholders; system stakeholder information; system information; information about other systems that interact with the system.
Expected Outputs: Set of assets to be protected.
Primary Responsibility: System Owner.
Supporting Roles: Authorizing Official or Authorizing Official Designated Representative; Mission or Business Owner; Information Owner or Steward; Senior Agency Information Security Officer; Senior Agency Official for Privacy; System Administrator.
System Development Life Cycle Phase: New – Initiation (concept/requirements definition). Existing – Operations/Maintenance.
Discussion: Assets are tangible and intangible items that are of value to achievement of mission or business objectives. Tangible assets are physical in nature and include physical/environmental elements (e.g., non-digital information, structures, facilities), human elements, and technology/machine elements (e.g., hardware elements, mechanisms, and networks). In contrast, intangible assets are not physical in nature and include mission and business processes, functions, digital information and data, firmware, software, and services. Information assets can be tangible or intangible assets, and can include the information needed to carry out missions or business functions, to deliver services, and for system management/operation; controlled unclassified information and classified information; and all forms of documentation associated with the information system. Intangible assets can also include the image or reputation of an organization, and the privacy interests of the individuals whose information will be processed by the system. The organization defines the scope of stakeholder assets to be considered for protection. The assets that require protection are identified based on stakeholder concerns and the contexts in which the assets are used. This includes the missions or business functions of the organization; the other systems that interact with the system; and stakeholders whose assets are utilized by the mission or business functions or by the system. Assets can be documented in the system security and privacy plans.
References: [SP 800-39] (Organization Level); [SP 800-64]; [SP 800-160 v1] (Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition Process); [IR 8179] (Criticality Analysis Process C); [NIST CSF] (Core [Identify Function]); [NARA CUI].